760-744-4400 info@acimedical.com

Contract Manufacturing Services

Before ACI Medical started to pioneer medical devices for vascular disease, we specialized in contract manufacturing.

The ACI Medical contract manufacturing and engineering team is known for its ability to solve issues other manufacturers cannot and to produce orders on time. The ACI Medical team works with you to suit your needs and emphasizes quality, cost-effective solutions. Our capabilities include miniature diaphragm pumps and custom plastic molding.

Call or email us to talk about how we can help you get your project done!
Toll free (888) 453-4356 or info@acimedical.com

What Our Clients Are Saying

“We have been doing business with ACI Medical since the early 1990′s. We keep coming back for the great service, customer support, fast delivery (even on specials) and the custom engineered solutions you have so effortlessly provided for us. When customers have experienced difficulties with their applications, the fix has been fast and definitive. We couldn’t be happier with a vendor. Keep up the good work!”

        – Mark Wolf, VP Sales, Don Wolf & Associates, Inc.

“ACI is agile and offers prompt, personal attention. They welcome difficult and unconventional challenges with a ‘can-do’ attitude.”

        – Jim Youngblood, Sr. R&D Engineer, Terumo Cardiovascular Systems

Contract Manufacturing Capabilities Gallery